It would be neat if you could have additional info on the exported size, or maybe the ability to switch between hexolution (yes I just made that up, is it an actual word?) or actual resolution. I'm using Hexels to create tileable textures and when I select, say, a 512x512 grid in the canvast size and I export it, the actual image is 512x591. I ended up on this thread, because I'm looking for the same thing. The third edition of Hexels brings a new set of pixel based tools that lets artists combine sharp edged vector art with free-flowing pixels.

So if I have the Trixels mode on and the editible grid I type in 32x164 below that in brackets it might say (YYYp x ZZZp)? Just for the information to be available? With the new Pixel Layers allowing me to draw curves and lines in any direction, I wanted to see if it was possible to Rotoscope over imported images using the new mode. But can I sugget you guys add another set of dimensions that is a note of actual pixel size? Being told Hexels was getting Pixel Mode, with the ability to combine Pixel Layers and Trixel Layers in the same document I saw this as a real game-changer for the software. This wasn't exactly how we planned it, but we like it so much that we pretend it is ) I'm preparing a blog post to explain this more in-depth, but I'll share one more detail that's kind of beautiful: If you set you canvas size in Trixels to be 2x2, draw a cube, and then look at the 3D axes of that cube, you'll see that your scene is 2 "cubes" long in all three dimensions. The default subgrid is composed of larger shapes and there are fewer of them, so we adjust the numbers we show to correspond more closely to that.

If you're in Pixels mode with a 200x200 canvas and you switch over to Trixels, you'll still have 200x200 shapes to fill in, but only on the smallest Trixels subgrid. Sorry I took so long to get here-I've been on Christmas vacation (: The canvas size looks different in Trixels because of the different sub-grids (the buttons at the top-left) you can have.